Saturday, February 19, 2011

10 ways to Multi-task better!! DONT GET INFORMATION OVERLOAD!

10 Ways to Multi-Task Better. And not get information overload!

1.) Say no as often as possible: “Say no to tasks that amount to busy work or don't advance a meaningful goal. Or simply don't respond when somebody asks”. For instance, I deleted my Facebook last summer when I got an engineering internship. I had to say NO to Facebook.

2.) Ask yourself, “Are you addicted?”!: Leave your laptop at home for once if your addicted, put your blackberry away in a meeting or in our case (class) to avoid be so attached to electronic devices.

3.)Turn Everything off: Shut down all your gizmos and make some alone time for yourself, you will feel better. For instance, top CEO request alone time from calls, emails and assistants before they start their day.

4.)Selectively Detach: this career article suggests to not maintain a communication hub but worry about doing the job right and getting it done. Meaning don’t answer every phone call, every email or text

5.)Digest good information, more slowly: spend time on information that matters. Don’t dwell on useless information instead devote yourself to information that is important. Think of the human body metabolism and digest system it is the same concept but in different terms.

6.)Exercise: Physical activity can declutter the brain. The machine below called the “walk station” allows not only to exercise but answer emails and multi-task. It says when you exercise and write emails it said to be the brain gets more bursts of creativity ideas!

7.) Don’t answer every email: Respond to only important emails, save the chatty and lols for another time. Or do a “Replay all” if it corresponds to your co-workers or friends.

8.)Say something Meaningful: It is to be said that busy people who manage their time well don’t read their emails, blogs, face book updates, instead they only spend their time on useful information. Leave out the professional with personal.

9.) Don’t rely on technology to simply your life: technology is envolving every second of the day and more and more new innovated ideas are waking up future inventors during the night. Don’t rely on technology: all the apps, programs, phones are suppose to simply your life, but since there is always a new coming out there is more learning to do. Instead, focus on your main goals in life and use “old fashion” way to get there, “prioritization”

10.) Remember Friendster: Ahh yeah for like a second I do! With all the social networks evolving on the internet there is always going to be a new one, even though Facebook is hot right now, it won’t be down the road because someone will always beat you to it no matter what. So instead of worrying about social networks and being socially connected remember before you do it that there is always something better coming out.


  1. I like this posting a lot! We definitly need to simplify our lives and I frequently ditch the computer and my phone on a regular basis much to my friend's and family's dismay. I love technology and I love the newest and coolest gadget to mess with and learn, but I'm afraid it's honestly too easy to fall into a second, technological, life. When I was younger all I did was spend time on the computer, and although it's a FANTASTIC tool for several reasons, I don't think we necessarily need to rely on it entirely.

  2. Very helpful. thank you for posting this.


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