Sunday, February 27, 2011

Impacts of Social Media

This article was more of an eye-opener to me more than anything. The main question it asked was, are social network sites like Facebook and twitter making you feel closer to people or further away? It can bring is closer to people that are further away from us, allowing people to keep in touch more than they would be without the connection over the internet. However it can also move you further away from people you we are closer to.

I feel that it is again up to us to decide how much time we spend online using the recourses that have been given to us. Websites like facebook don't control us, we control them. They are tools that we can use to our own advantages. Social media can have a positive or negative impact on us depending on how we use it.

Original article:

1 comment:

  1. i feel that social media sites are pushing people further away. as we text, instant message, facebook post and "poke" eachother we are loosing the ability to communicate face to face. i believe this will be detrimental to society in the long run.


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