Sunday, February 13, 2011

Tips and Tricks for Staying off the Grid

I found an article where it tells you how to stay off the Grid. It helps you by giving you some easy steps to follow in not leaving a digital fingerprint. For some of us it is too late but for others it's still possible. If you feel uncomfortable about yourself being exposed to billions of people I would highly recomend this site and maybe some of its links as well. Its always better to be able to control your own self identity on the web then to let it flourish without your say so.


  1. I found this page quite interesting. People need to learn to keep themselves private or how to handle themselves in a professional manor. Now that busniesses are using social media more and more everyday people really need to watch what they post

  2. The page was informative and useful. There are also some websites such as that are creepy. They contain information about people such as their age, family, occupation, and city in which they reside. People ought to be cautious when they enter the virtual world.

  3. I think this is interesting. However it's difficult in this society to stay off the grid when several parts of living in this society require information from the grid. Like people want to have your full name so that they can find you on facebook and friend you so that they can get your phone number/ get to know you better through your account. Being off the grid makes it harder to reach you. However, being on the grid is considered by a lot to be too hectic and overwhelming.


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