Saturday, February 19, 2011

Obama Meets with Facebook and Apple Founders.

I found this article really exciting and intriguing! Obama is meeting with many computer icons like Mark Zuckerburg, the leader of Apple, Steve, Intel CEO, Google chief executive Eric Schmidt and GE chairman Jeffrey Immelt to create future innovators for the U.S. Obama wants to spend more on education “despite his call for the a five year freeze on government spending”. He wants the U.S to be more attracted to the work force and compete with the rest of the world. Obama is trying to create more innovated jobs for future generations in STEM (science, engineering, technology and math). I strongly support stem programs all around the U.S to help attract more minority students. As a minority student in computers I feel like there should be more students like me. Especially for students like me, where my parents didn’t go to college, to help motivate students and help derive success in the STEM fields.

1 comment:

  1. I do like where Obama's head is at but I dont like fields like STEM. Like the person who posted this my parents didn't go to college either but I myself dont find the STEM classes very fun or attractive. I'm an English major and would enjoy a little more money thrown into their instead of having it all thrown in to the STEM program. I just figure its fair.


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