Wednesday, February 2, 2011

FREE in-flight facebook! for now...

Seven separate are now adding free wifi to their flights so that guests can feel more relaxed while on their way to their destination. The seven airlines include Delta, AirTran, American, Virgin Atlantic, Alaska, US Airways and United. Virgin Airlines has up to one-third of its passengers using the Gogo wifi, the flight from San Francisco to Boston has been nicknamed "The Nerd Bird," by its crew members. The wifi is offered by Gogo on several private planes as well; of course this is just an offer and will not stay free forever, Gogo's chief marketing officer, Ash ElDifrawi says "This isn't like offering free Wi-Fi in a Starbucks, it is an expensive undertaking, and we are sensitive to reasonable pricing. It's like asking Verizon and AT&T to give away 4G" wireless network access.

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