Tuesday, February 8, 2011

GPS gone wrong.

Hey there everybody well me and some friends have been thinking about a road trip for this spring break. So of course some things we all need to consider is GPS and
rental cars. As we were looking up information about GPS(s) we stumbled upon this article off of MSNBC
"Death by GPS _could it happen to you"
Supposedly some people have gotten led astray by their GPS into dead ends, rough roads, open country, and LAKES. One of the cases even lead to the death of a 11 year old boy dying from Dehydration. So even though these deaths are not all to common and they have only happened to 12 people it leads us all to think, We need to take prior precautions and look up directions before we go on trips, always carry sufficient water , and most importantly not be to prideful of stopping and asking for directions!

1 comment:

  1. This is a very tragedy situation.We should alway realize that technology does not trump our common sense and we should always use technology with caution.


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