Sunday, February 6, 2011

Status updates well driving

I say a commercial well watching the superbowl that I found quite interesting. The ability to check facebook status updates at the touch of a button well you driving. The new Chevy Cruze may of just come up with the next big thing. Is this just another distraction or a new improved way of keeping drivers hands on the wheel and of thier cell phones?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. i predict that once this is out, we might see a bunch of laws for smart phones and driving.

  3. I think that for people that really like to utilize facebook it is a good idea but I do not think it will succeed. I feel this way because it will get a hefty load of media attention if any one crashes. I have not yet tested this out but from the looks of the commercial it does not yet look like it is automated enough for one to truly be safe driving. I think I the future when facebook has a lot more development and application capability the concept of keeping one's electronic life up to date on their vehicle will succeed.

  4. I think it's another distraction and a way to keep hands on the wheel.


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