Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Is not having a digital presence a bad thing?

i have a thought. I use these Flickr, twitter, etc APIs to data mine information and use it for analysis, for my research. And more i get into it, harder it is for me put anything personal out there. Do you think, if a future employer hires someone to analyze my digital presence and doesnt find much, is it a bad thing? Do you think a person who doesnt use facebook a lot be labeled a social nerd?

the big question is, does the fact that your information out there is being used to judge you, prevent you from posting what you want to?

1 comment:

  1. I choose keep my "digital presence" to a minimum and as I learn more about what is out there, I see the potential risks associated with getting a job in the future. Having information about yourself on the internet can affect you in a negative way but also a positive way. My hope is that my future employers, should they use social media to look at prospective employees, will also use traditional methods.
    As for labeling someone a "social nerd"....since when do labels matter?


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