Thursday, February 3, 2011


OK so as we all know by now the iPhone is coming to Verizon this month.  Excited?  Don't be!  When it comes out it will be all the rage, but it will also be causing a lot of rage.  Rumor mill in the smart phone world is that Verizon hasn't ironed out all those wrinkles in the iPhone's system.  It's even a wonder if they got the system working without a Sim card.  I have to give Verizon props though since they are trying to bring it out quickly.  But who are they fooling even ATT had problems with the Sim card and apple specially designed the iPhone for ATT.  We can't forget how frustrating it was for everyone who owned an iPhone (and more importantly everyone who had to fix them) when that nasty antenna problem arose. My advice to all you iPhone lovers don't go rushing out to get the pre-order for Verizon. It will only get better from here so take a breather and hold on to that flip phone a little longer.


  1. If that isn't enough reason to avoid Verzion and their version of the iPhone this might just seal the deal for you! Verizon is changing the service agreement contracts to include a clause that lets them slow down your data usage. With the new unlimited data plans that Verizon is offering they will be able to police your usage by hampering heavy users accounts when the system gets overloaded. This is a sneaky way of offering a crappy limited service while advertising it to be unlimited. Can you say no thanks. I'll stick with AT&T it may not be the best but it's the devil I know versus the devil I don't.

  2. Oops forgot the link!!

  3. Now lets not jump the gun here on this, Verizon has been testing this phone for well over a year now and it actually should be rather promising, they have fixed the antenna issues(sorta) and they have a new carrier(biggest coverage at least) I know at my work we have well over 200 pre-orders and thats just one Best Buy. Plus the phone is most likely coming out in WHITE! So many people are looking for that!

    Now when it comes to limited people's service, lets not get too upset, this is only for the "Extreme" users. Those who top over 8gb's a month, so top 5% of users will and can be throttled to their discretion, with new FCC laws anyone can do that.

    source :


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