Saturday, February 5, 2011

Data Visualization Tool: World Bank.

Hello. I found a really cool data visualization tool from the world bank. If you don't recall what the world bank is it is an international group that loans money to countries in need especially countries that are in great poverty, I took in an interest in this because my dad used to work for the world bank. Moreover, on their website they have a data visualization tool which is very cool because you can look up any country in the world or a topic like poverty or infrastructure. So since Egypt is very big in the news right now I decided to search on this country. So when I looked up Egypt, the visualization tool told me that Egypt is a developing country and its location in Africa. It also gives the current GDP (gross domestic product) in U.S dollars which is $188,412,876,658. The average life expectancy in Egypt is 70 years old. Egypt also has a literacy rate of 66% of the people that are over 15. So those are some examples of data information you can get from this website. In addition, there also categories of urban development, private sector, education, health, economic policy and debt. In final, I understand why the world bank has this tool, it has loads of important information that can help them help other countries around the world that are in need.

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