Sunday, March 27, 2011

Will scientific-technology become real, well sooner than we all think!

"If they were to see you with all of your wizardry, they would consider you a sorcerer to be able to summon up images from all over the world," he said. "But if someone could come today from the 21st century, what will our grandchildren think of us? In the 21st century, they will have the powers of gods." Dr. Michio Kaku is the modern Albert Einstein, he has predictions for technology and great ideas to lead us in the future. He is combing the idea of physics and technology to make science fiction possible. He has predictions of over the next 100 years of technology probably the best predictions I have heard being a college student. When: The next 20 to 50 years Ok if this prediction happens I will be the first one to buy it. Hopefully you guys all heard of the movie "Predator". Well, Dr. Kaku predicts like in the movie Predator we will Internet contact lenses where we could be on the Internet with a blink of an eye. "The Internet will be in our contact lenses,You'll blink and you'll go online. When you talk to people, you'll see their biographies printed out. When they speak to you in Chinese, subtitles will appear under their names." When: Next 20 -50 years Real-world images will overlapped into your world right in front you hence maybe using contact lenses to do so? Movies that pertain this is"The Matrix" and "Star Trek". "For example, soldiers might wear special lenses that would help them see enemy locations superimposed over real-life scenes. When: Next 50 years In the next 50 years shape shifting is said to be possible. By 2050 Dr. Kaku states that nanotechnology will let us change the world. "Nanotechnology is the engineering of functional systems at the molecular scale."-wikipedia. And no this is not pertain to people but shape shifting objects. " "By midcentury, programmable matter starts to open up," he said. "You'll simply write a software program, and you can literally change a chair into a table." When: Next 100 years 1.) Robots. The Jetsons are the perfect example of a robotic runned world. Dr. Kaku predicts more robots like "Rosie" from the Jetsons. Rosie was the Jetsons family maid/nanny 2.) Bringing Back Extinct Animals Example: Jurassic Park. Having a virtual museum that will bring extinct animals to life or even an adventure park where everything is so real. " Parks full of velociraptors and Tyrannosaurus rexes not enough for you? How about taking it a step further and bringing back cave men such as the Neanderthal? Scientists say they've already reconstructed the genetic information that made homo sapiens' ancient cousin what it was. Using that to bring them to life is the next step, according to Kaku." 3.) Much longer life span

Example: Cocoon

Even though we can't live forever maybe it could happen one day.

"Combine that with cellular research that could let scientists regrow heart valves, bladders and other organs, and you've got the ticket to a long life." I believe this part is the most interesting to me because this concept can help cure disease like Cancer, AIDs. Well I know this is alot but I hope you found this interesting! - Danielle


  1. I think his predictions are very interesting and would be great to see his predictions come true. However, I think they will be true later than he predicted. I think technology in the future will be beneficial in treating currently incurable diseases such as cancer and AIDS.

  2. It was either on here or through my roommate, but there is a lab that is already regrowing organs for people. This guy seems to think a lot of things are going to happen really quickly, and that would be really cool if they do, but it seems like a little too much too quickly. though, I would love an augmented reality contact lens, that'd be so cool.


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