Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Connect all from one place!

LiveGo is a web-based client that combines all of your social networks (such as Twitter and Facebook) and connections (such as live-chats like: msn messenger, yahoo, and gtalk) into one location. It reduces the tabs and programs running on your computer if you're someone who likes to stay socially connected online. However, this website knows how addicting and time-consuming it can be to keep in touch with people, so it also includes To-Do Lists, a calender, notes, and a social filter if the time calls for it. This website caught my eye because I like how this website is funnelling all of the different everyday connections into one place to try to simplify technological life.



  1. I understand how helpful those site like Facebook and Twitter are but having them all combined into one site? Wouldn't that be somewhat hectic or chaotic?

  2. this is interesting because social network is a top reason why most people use the internet. however many people dont want to go through the hassle of logging into 5 differnet sites to access all their pages. Now just going into one site can access all their accounts is effective and less time consuming.

  3. I think this is a great idea because i myself can save a lot of time using this to browse all the social networking site instead of checking them individual. this would work even better on smart phone as people want to check their social networking site on the go faster


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