Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Bright side of CHEMO..?

It seems that scientist have found a new type of treatment to lessen the painful side effects of Chemo. This tiny article explains how this "Red Light" omits light with out heat and benefits the patients .. PLEASE CHECK IT OUT ...;txt


  1. I think this is great for people who must go through chemotherapy and radiation treatments, but I wonder exactly which side effects it is able to treat or soothe. Another thing I wonder about is: Will this light tan patients' skin, if so, this could well be another problem.

  2. This is the type of technology that I love to see. I mean I enjoy a good video game and cell phone any day, but what can be better than using that technology to help society. It is well known that chemo is a rough therapy to go through. This is a great innovative way to use technology to help the patient.


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