Sunday, March 6, 2011

iPad 2's Shortcomings

Josh Lowensohn from CNET News recently produced an article on whether he believed original iPad users would be trading up for the newer, updated iPad 2. Though he says he will certainly be buying one for work purposes, he also doubts that any other iPad original users will be switching. He says that honestly, there isn't enough of a difference to warrant purchasing the new iPad. He goes on to say that Apple could have gone further and some more things to the Original iPad in order to distance the iPad 2 from its predecessor, including: Retina Display, an SD Card Slot/ USB Port, Thunderbolt Connectivity, NFC Technology, and 4G. Honestly, I'm fine with lugging around my laptop everywhere I go, but for you tablet users out there, check out this article!

1 comment:

  1. I just purchased an ipad about 3 weeks ago and i am did not regret it even though i know that ipad 2 gonna come out shortly. The ipad 2 in my opinion is just a scheme from apple to get more money out of consumer because it does not have any big different to the original Ipad


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