Sunday, March 13, 2011

Need a perscription refill?

There's a new app. for the iPhone or Android for refilling your perscriptions from Walgreens. This is done by just using your phone to scan the barcode on your perscription, and the app. will send it to Walgreens and by the time you get there they will have it ready for you. There is also now a Pharmacy Chat at where you can talk to pharmasists and experts from their pharmacy team and ask about perscription questions and have over-the-counter product and perscription interactions. You can also ask about treatments from common problems.
I find this interesting because this helps create a more interactive environment for customers and pharmacies.



  1. I saw the commercial for that and I was just talking about how technology taps into about every aspect of life. I am pretty sure that within a few years that will be the standard way to fill a prescription. I am glad to see that there is a place where the consumers are able to talk to the pharmacists and be able to ask questions. Technology opens up opportunities and possibilities.

  2. I know that this sounds very positive but for some reason I see some negative approaches to this as well. I know some doctors and pharmicist that get irritated with clients that think they know everything about their symptoms and what medicine they need. Also with jail-breaking ipods/iphones/ipads I can see several people attempting to steal other people's drugs or sell them under the counter. I'm sure they will figure out security measures against it.

  3. Damn that is very useful. Sadly my family doesn't use Walgreen's pharmacys. I wonder when pharmacys in Target and Walmart will be up to date like Walgreens. Could be a very helpful app for large familys who have little time.

  4. This sounds like a very useful app. I hate driving all the way to walgreens to have to wait an hour for a refill. I know my doctors phone in prescriptions now to avoid the wait at walgreens for their patients. One day there will be apps to do everything online before leaving home.


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