Friday, March 4, 2011

Ipad 2 camera is it that BAD?


Our class discussion is perfect for this. On Thursday to my group I suggested that the ipad would be great for construction projects. I said that the ipad "camera" specifically could be used to make a virtual reality of the room and as well as the measurements. I think that this is a wonderful idea, instead of using blueprints, the ipad could potentially create it for you. So now, that this ipad camera article out I felt like this could be bad for people with ideas like mine. For instance, the ipad camera resolution has the same as the ipod touch instead of the genius ipod phone 4. Disappointed? So am I. Even though the ipad looks nice and has a great design but with the similar low-resolution as the touch I just wish they would have thought of the kind of people in different occupations that could potentially use this device to save lives in a war, create beautiful virtual reality worlds or be used for all types of engineering. But its not..maybe ipad 3 should have this, I hope Apple comes across this blog post and hires me for this job because they need to know how important their camera on the ipad on it can literally save someone's life.

1 comment:

  1. This is what I was thinking too. They are in such a rush to come out with the newest craze and be the first to jump that they don't take their time in making sure the technology lives up to its full potential. That is why there is always version 2,3, etc. For the companies its good because they have people buying no matter what since it's the newest craze, but for the consumer it is just an ongoing hole in their bank account.


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