Sunday, March 6, 2011

Can't find your phone?

Do you hate it when you lose your phone and no one is around to help you call it, so you end up just trying to look through all of the last places you last saw it? Well there is a site made just for that now and its completely free. There's a site that was created for the sole reason for finding your phone, just put your number into the main page and hit the "hello" button and it will call your phone and immediately refresh the page so that you can do it again if you didn't find it for the first call. Such a handy website that shows that technology is becoming more and more connected to each other.


  1. This is a great idea because there were countless times where I couldn't remember where I put my phone and i'd have to get a friend to call it for me. One thing that they could think about programming, or allowing phones to do, is call it and make it turn from vibrate to loud or silent to loud, just in case you had the phone on vibrate/silent when you lost it. I could also use one of these devices to find my car keys.

  2. Great website! Super helpful when my roommate is asleep and i don't want to wake her by turning lights on. My phone is often on silent so I just watch for it to light up.


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