Wednesday, March 23, 2011

U.S. Technology Aiding Japan

Everyone knows by now how distraught Japan is after the Tsunami. In effort to help Japan recover, the United States has donate robots that will help them in search and rescue missions, search for chemical, biological or radiological anomalies, and to clear some of the rubble. The reason why these robots are of great help is that they can travel into areas that may otherwise be fatal for humans. In addition, these robots provide real time data about hazardous conditions. Similar robots were used on 9/11 for similar purposes.


  1. It's a real shame that sometimes this amount of destruction and terror is unleashed on the world, but thankfully we have tools like these robots in order to protect those who have been left behind.

  2. I have a question. Isn't Japan one of the leading robotics centers of the world. I understand the tsunami destroyed many robotic centers of industry but still. Japan should have plenty of robots, so shouldn't we donate food or medical supplys more than advanced robotics?

  3. I thought of this as well when reading this article, but the article did not really acknowledge this point at all.


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