Sunday, March 13, 2011

Google Circles

It looks like Google is going to take another attempt at the social networking business. Their first attempt was called orkut, I believe, or something along those lines. I remember signing up for it, but then I never really touched it again. This second attempt is supposedly going to be much better than their first.!5781456/privacy-could-headline-google-circles-social-network-reveal-later-today


  1. I don't think google is going to get the response they want. Facebook over took the Social Networking business because of how simple and easy it was. If another site comes about that does the same things people are just going to compare by saying "well i already have a facebook". People don't want to waste the time switching to another site that and having to start the whole social networking with friends all over again.

  2. Yes well think of myspace and facebook, the competition had something to offer that the latter didnt. Who knows in a few years we could all be plugged into Google's Social networking platform!


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