Sunday, March 6, 2011

One of the major differences between the Android Market and Apple Market applications wise is that Apple inspects each application before they release it, where as Android does not, sure this enables a bit more free will in what Android devs want to release, though it also opens up a whole new realm for those that want to upload malicious applications.
Just last week Google took down 21+ applications from the Market because they were trying to steal personal information and upload it. Though what about the 500,000 people that have already downloaded it? Well turns out Google has a OTA (over the air) kill switch, in which they can remove the app even without your permission. How much power is too much power?

Source: Link

1 comment:

  1. That is good that there is a kill switch i am soo surprised that, that is true.. I guess it would also be such a bummer to be making profit off of a legitimate App and then having it shut down.


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