Sunday, March 27, 2011

Twitter Resume

Twitume is a web application that helps the user create, modify and publish their personal resume onto twitter. The web application is meant to "propulse" and exand the users network and get their resume out to all of their twitter contacts, while at the same time have a way to keep in touch with this active network. I think this is a creative way to spread your resume, as long as you are comfortable with posting your resume information on the internet. But nonetheless it's a good way to network and should be looked into if you have an active twitter and want to get your resume out and on a roll and increase your chances of getting a job.



  1. This is a cool way to network and get yourself more audience,exception of the privacy issue.But like the blogger stated,if it is alright with the party involves , I think is worth the try.

  2. This web application is great because it is making having a twitter account more productive. Now you can network and sell yourself to your friends, colleagues, and employers simply by having your resume on twitter. I do not have a twitter account but if Facebook had something similar to this, I would definitely put it to good use!!

  3. this is any interesting way to network in an professional or employment seeking way. I wonder why facebook hasnt come up with a similar idea since many companies market themselves on facebook. I wonder if we will see that soon on facebook or twitter that a company page will advertise when its hiring. I think it will bring more business to a company


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