Sunday, March 6, 2011

Algorthms Controlling Content

I stumbled across an article that talks about the invisible, or hidden algorithms that websites use to filter content that is more suiting to our liking. These algorithms can filter out posts from people that we may not normally talk with, meaningless spam, or other information that we have ignored or clicked to filter in the past. These filters can also show or hide information based on what we have liked or searched for before.

This can most commonly be seen on Facebook, but other websites use these kind of algorithms as well, even Google. The question is, are these algorithms showing us giving us the information we need to be seeing, or the information that it thinks we want to see? I say it can hinder us by keeping other important information away from us because it may not be deemed important by the algorithms. What do you think?

The source article can be found here:

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, my sister was talking about going into the business of making and refining those algorithms because the demand for them in marketing is growing substantially. With the economy going down, the need for advertisments finding the right people in need of those services is becoming a bigger and bigger need.


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