Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Movies on Facebook

Warner Brothers has decided to make movies available on Facebook for sale or rent. Apparently they are trying to attract new business and customers via the social media juggernaut. There will be the option to pay for these services through a credit card or Facebook Credits. The rental only costs three dollars, and will be available through your Facebook account for two days. of course, being Facebook, users will have the opportunity to comment on the movies being watched by friends, as well as the classic LIKE! Honestly, I can't see myself paying money through Facebook to watch a movie on my account, but i think this idea just might be the next big thing!


  1. It seems as though the popularity of Facebook has caught the attention of many businesses that they add new things to Facebook. I heard on the news the other day that people are now able to purchase groceries on Facebook! I agree with you that I wouldn't be paying through Facebook to purchase movies or groceries on my account, but it is a great way for businesses to reach consumers.

  2. I'm not to sure if this is a great idea, but it certainly is another large step in social marketing. I can just imagine the kind of competition they already have with redbox, blockbuster, and netflix. I am interested to see in what they bring that netflix doesn't already have.


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