Sunday, March 27, 2011

'Gay Cure' App

Apple has been pressured to remove an app from it's online store. The App promised to cure homosexuality. Apple removed the app from it's store on Wed, thanks to a petition signed by over 150 thousand people. The petition was created by and commented the app was "hateful and bigoted". The app was created by Christian Ant-Gay group Exodus International. Although the group stated their app was meant to help the people at Apple as well as 150 thousand people seem to disagree. I understand there is freedom of religion in this country but when it so blatantly attacks a group of people it makes me wonder when freedom ends and bigotry begins.


  1. I can definitely see why this would offend so many people, I think that it would've been different for the Christian group had they not been so forward about their bigotry. However, if people wanted to not be gay anymore, why would they use an app for that, I doubt it would be very beneficial or encouraging. I can't imagine how many other apps are out there like that!

  2. I think gay is not a disease that needed a cure. A lot of people chose to be gay and that is their choice in life, calling their choice bad or a sickness is very wrong. App like this should never exist and if even if it does, it should be taken down ASAP to stop offend other.

  3. I agree with Jordan and Tin, being gay is a choice not a disease or illness that needs to be cured. I am curious to know if anyone even used this app. If no one used it than this app was simply created in my view, to offend and make gays feel uncomfortable.

  4. My boyfriend actually downloaded the app just to see how offensive it can be, and it really is terrible! I understand that there is a choice for freedom and they are allowed to make whatever app they would like, but calling homosexuality a disease is just unacceptable. Honestly, I don't mind that this type of app exists simply because there are ignorant people out there and there is nothing we can do about it. But the fact that they call homosexuality a disease is like calling pedophilia an acceptable hobby.

  5. Wow!! The ideas for apps that people come up with. I do find the app very offensive. It is similar to saying finding a cure for studying a certain major. I think there are bigger issues in the world than trying to oppress homosexual people.


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