Thursday, March 31, 2011

Digital Vending Machine.

Japan is always coming up with new high-tech gadgets that never fail to amaze. Not only did they invent a digital vending machine (with a 47-inch touchscreen), they made it so "intelligent" that it is able to scan the customer's data and with the information, able to present products based off of their sex and age. Using external information, the vending machine is able to collect data from weather information, time of the day and even the season which the machine can use to offer hot coffee on a cold morning or an iced drink on a hot day. Named 'Acure' this friendly digital vending machine is even able to thank their customers. The company is planning to have at least 500 installed throughout Japan by 2012.


Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Green meets Technology

Samsung has created a solar-powered LCD television. This TV produces energy from the ambient light in a room and requires no other source of energy for it to work. The TV screen is also transparent. You can display images on the screen and still be able to see the objects behind it!

App that stop texting while driving

This app is created to stop the texting function of the phone while the user is in a moving car. I think this is a great app to stop the urge of texting when one is driving a car.

You can see the video about the app in link below:

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


This is a pretty cool electronic device that is attached to the top of your bicycle Helmet to keep noise away,instead of using the traditional earplugs.The way it works is that,its send surround sound(music) into the head area so that it keep you entertain while keeping the noise away.Nice equipment and show how a piece of technology like this one,can be applied and use for other purposes(Informatics).

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Twitter Resume

Twitume is a web application that helps the user create, modify and publish their personal resume onto twitter. The web application is meant to "propulse" and exand the users network and get their resume out to all of their twitter contacts, while at the same time have a way to keep in touch with this active network. I think this is a creative way to spread your resume, as long as you are comfortable with posting your resume information on the internet. But nonetheless it's a good way to network and should be looked into if you have an active twitter and want to get your resume out and on a roll and increase your chances of getting a job.


Virtual Star Map

There's a new app for the iPhone that takes virtual reality into consideration. The application judges where you are directing the iPhone screen towards the sky and the application shows you real-time what constellations, stars, and satellites you're looking at. The app is called Star Walk and is considered very time-sensitive and beautiful, letting you zoom in and out of points of interest. The application is recommended for students and is also available for the iPad, which I'd personally be excited to see. I think this is a cool way to use virtual reality with technology, and is great educational tool too.
Read more up on it here:

Versatile Robot Joints

This little joint here is able to maneuver around various obstacles and change it's main structure to better fit in between different terrains. This tiny robot is only a starting point in changing the different ways vehicles may function and in general how robots movement will be altered. Naturally this makes transformers seem more possible in the future, but definitely not within the next century. I have seen several different tiny robots but with the functionality of this joint endless possibilites arise. Watch the link below to watch how maneuverable it actually is!


'Gay Cure' App

Apple has been pressured to remove an app from it's online store. The App promised to cure homosexuality. Apple removed the app from it's store on Wed, thanks to a petition signed by over 150 thousand people. The petition was created by and commented the app was "hateful and bigoted". The app was created by Christian Ant-Gay group Exodus International. Although the group stated their app was meant to help the people at Apple as well as 150 thousand people seem to disagree. I understand there is freedom of religion in this country but when it so blatantly attacks a group of people it makes me wonder when freedom ends and bigotry begins.

Amazon App Store

I bought an application for my Android phone two days ago. Unfortunately, they implemented a 15 minute return policy. I don't regret my purchase, but 15 minutes isn't enough to try out any app. Amazon released their own app store last week. They have a feature on the website that loads up an Android OS to allow you to try out the app. It's kind of fun to play around with, but will save you a couple bucks if you try out an app and decide you don't like it.

Swarm of Robots Creating Emergency Communication in Disaster Zones

A new research project, the Swarming Micro Air Vehicle Network (SMAVNET) would be efficient in creating communication in areas struck by disasters. The project has created a set of flying robots to help with collecting data in disaster zones. Ten of the flying robots come in a set and are embedded with sensors that help control their altitude, speed, and how close they come to each other. Each of the lightweight designed robots are powered by a battery-powered electric motor; however, they could stay in the air for about a half an hour to an hour. This new project could also be useful in aerial photography and 2D and 3D mapping(as discussed in class on Thursday).
For more info(video) about the SMAVNET project visit:

Will scientific-technology become real, well sooner than we all think!

"If they were to see you with all of your wizardry, they would consider you a sorcerer to be able to summon up images from all over the world," he said. "But if someone could come today from the 21st century, what will our grandchildren think of us? In the 21st century, they will have the powers of gods." Dr. Michio Kaku is the modern Albert Einstein, he has predictions for technology and great ideas to lead us in the future. He is combing the idea of physics and technology to make science fiction possible. He has predictions of over the next 100 years of technology probably the best predictions I have heard being a college student. When: The next 20 to 50 years Ok if this prediction happens I will be the first one to buy it. Hopefully you guys all heard of the movie "Predator". Well, Dr. Kaku predicts like in the movie Predator we will Internet contact lenses where we could be on the Internet with a blink of an eye. "The Internet will be in our contact lenses,You'll blink and you'll go online. When you talk to people, you'll see their biographies printed out. When they speak to you in Chinese, subtitles will appear under their names." When: Next 20 -50 years Real-world images will overlapped into your world right in front you hence maybe using contact lenses to do so? Movies that pertain this is"The Matrix" and "Star Trek". "For example, soldiers might wear special lenses that would help them see enemy locations superimposed over real-life scenes. When: Next 50 years In the next 50 years shape shifting is said to be possible. By 2050 Dr. Kaku states that nanotechnology will let us change the world. "Nanotechnology is the engineering of functional systems at the molecular scale."-wikipedia. And no this is not pertain to people but shape shifting objects. " "By midcentury, programmable matter starts to open up," he said. "You'll simply write a software program, and you can literally change a chair into a table." When: Next 100 years 1.) Robots. The Jetsons are the perfect example of a robotic runned world. Dr. Kaku predicts more robots like "Rosie" from the Jetsons. Rosie was the Jetsons family maid/nanny 2.) Bringing Back Extinct Animals Example: Jurassic Park. Having a virtual museum that will bring extinct animals to life or even an adventure park where everything is so real. " Parks full of velociraptors and Tyrannosaurus rexes not enough for you? How about taking it a step further and bringing back cave men such as the Neanderthal? Scientists say they've already reconstructed the genetic information that made homo sapiens' ancient cousin what it was. Using that to bring them to life is the next step, according to Kaku." 3.) Much longer life span

Example: Cocoon

Even though we can't live forever maybe it could happen one day.

"Combine that with cellular research that could let scientists regrow heart valves, bladders and other organs, and you've got the ticket to a long life." I believe this part is the most interesting to me because this concept can help cure disease like Cancer, AIDs. Well I know this is alot but I hope you found this interesting! - Danielle

3-D Smart Phone

While Nintendo plans on becoming the first to launch a gadget that posses the three- dimensional visuals, HTC has unveiled the EVO 3D, a follow-up to Sprint Nextel's breakout smartphone. It has a 4.3-inch touchscreen, which can display eye-popping 3-D without needing glasses. Users will also be able to capture photos and videos in 3-D using a pair of cameras on the back.

Super Spy Robots Make a Comeback

I came across an article where spy robotics has taken an advancement with the new spy bot developed by Lockheed Martin for Advanced Technologys Laboratories. It is a small quad-wheeled spy bot painted black for camo at night. It still is quite bulky but it does accomplish a step further to totally untraceable, annonymous spy bots. Check it out at the link below

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Yahoo vs. Google

Yahoo has produced a new product "Search Direct" to rival Google's Instant Search Results. After the success of Google's Instant Search Results, Yahoo is fighting back in order to keep their foothold within the Search Engine game. Yahoo executives are saying that this new product will focus on the search results as well as integrating a more personalized experience for the user. For me, I haven't been on Yahoo in like a year or two, and I don't see myself switching over anytime soon. But hey, if you would like to learn more then her'e's the link!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

U.S. Technology Aiding Japan

Everyone knows by now how distraught Japan is after the Tsunami. In effort to help Japan recover, the United States has donate robots that will help them in search and rescue missions, search for chemical, biological or radiological anomalies, and to clear some of the rubble. The reason why these robots are of great help is that they can travel into areas that may otherwise be fatal for humans. In addition, these robots provide real time data about hazardous conditions. Similar robots were used on 9/11 for similar purposes.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


There is an E-bike that will provide the gentle energy by assisting you to paddle the bicycle with less energy and strain.This is done by means of a tiny battery pack that is mounted on the bike itself that assist you during the bike riding and the battery is recharging in realtime as you are riding the bike. This is really cool if you are an outdoor person or elderly.Google it, and you will fine more info on this.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

MP3's The Car Thiefs New Toy

I came across an article about how researchers are using Trojan and malicious software to take over all computer and electrical systems in cars. Theoretically a hijacker can remote access a car, drive it away, deactivate the GPS and on board security, park it, contact a buyer and sell it all by remote. Pretty creepy if you ask me.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Make your own!

There's a website that lets you create your own free social networking website! There's designing tools and a simple layout that makes creating your own social network easy to do. It's called Toonti and it has its own selection of privacy options on your own website. This site is great if you want to create a website for a group or a club, or if you want to share something with a group of people in particular. Even better, you could create a study group website and keep connected on project updates and information regarding school. There are limitless possibilities with this website - and I think its a great way to organize your groups.


Connect all from one place!

LiveGo is a web-based client that combines all of your social networks (such as Twitter and Facebook) and connections (such as live-chats like: msn messenger, yahoo, and gtalk) into one location. It reduces the tabs and programs running on your computer if you're someone who likes to stay socially connected online. However, this website knows how addicting and time-consuming it can be to keep in touch with people, so it also includes To-Do Lists, a calender, notes, and a social filter if the time calls for it. This website caught my eye because I like how this website is funnelling all of the different everyday connections into one place to try to simplify technological life.


Sunday, March 13, 2011

Green Goose is turning life into it's very own role-playing game, by embeddingcustom 915MHz radios and MEMS accelerometers in a variety of tiny transmitters which you can mount to household objects these objects then report back to the receiver and increases your score in the game. For example by brushing your teeth on time, excersing repeatedly and drinking enough water will level you up! Currently they are working on motives on why it is important for you to level up and what the use for leveling up can be used for. Green Goose has potential to partner with companies at the launch conference in San Francisco to dispatch the sensors.

Ipad 2 Jailbroke, Public Version Soon

All you Apple fans out there are most likely fans of jailbreaking your favorite little devices to suit your very own needs even if its against Apple's wishes. But why do you care!? You can now have a Ipad 2 for your very own and jailbroken! The dev team are hard at work on a public release version that should be coming very soon.

Source: Here

Research Watch

More and more research is being conducted with efforts to help increase innovation in every field. I found a news post that informs that carbon nanotubes, which are allotropes of carbon with a cylindrical nanostructure, could be used to help treat strokes and other brain injueries. It is crazy to see how far and quickly technology has advanced. It wasn't too long ago that we were in the dark ages and to have it pick up like this and come so far. There is always a group of people working on the next invention or tool to help make the world a better place. This is shown with the carbon nanotubes to the presentation we had in class. Who would think that technology taps into just about every aspect of life and there is no sign that it is slowing down or fading out.


Need a perscription refill?

There's a new app. for the iPhone or Android for refilling your perscriptions from Walgreens. This is done by just using your phone to scan the barcode on your perscription, and the app. will send it to Walgreens and by the time you get there they will have it ready for you. There is also now a Pharmacy Chat at where you can talk to pharmasists and experts from their pharmacy team and ask about perscription questions and have over-the-counter product and perscription interactions. You can also ask about treatments from common problems.
I find this interesting because this helps create a more interactive environment for customers and pharmacies.


To help find the words.

For those who have suffered a stroke and have lost their grasp on verbal communication, there is a new device that can help out with these victims. It can help these people communicate with their friends and family who are also suffering. The device is called the UB Talker, which is a laptop-like device with a touch screen that has a synthetic voice to help communicate. It's portable and significantly more effective than a pen and a piece of paper for stroke victims. This is just another technological step towards helping the silent communicate with the world.


Angry Takeover

Anyone who has ever played the game "Angry Birds" knows how addicting the game can be, I myself just recently got the game a few days ago. Turns out they have a plan to make some major expansions. The game was created two years ago in 2009 and has expanded from an iphone app to an android app and now plush toys. Its sounds as if they have more Anger to give us, they are considering an Angry Birds movie, TV show and expanding the game to include social media sites such as Facebook.

Sophia - Internet Education

Sophia is a brand new website, still in development, that is working on helping to separate the correct and factual information from the rest. It is designed to help students and other scholars find information quick and easy without having to worry about its integrity. This website is going to be based mostly, if not completely, off of user posted material. There are also plenty of applications and resources available so the user can easily make a "lesson packet."

I think this is going to be a good alternative to Wikipedia if it can manage to take off.

The source article can be found here:

Who says we have to see with our eyes?

After the guest speaker on Thursday talked about trying to figure out a way to help the blind I got very interesting and checked the web for some articles about what other technology is out that. I found an article about a product named BrainPort. This device sends signals into the person tongue if you can belive that. The article shows a good example of how tecnology can be used to help the blind.

Finding Customers on Facebook

I found an interesting article that talks about a few different applications that have come up recently that helps business owners create a storefront on facebook for their customers to use. The applications that it talks about are Payvment, Storefront Social, BigCommerce SocialShop, and Ecwid. Most of these applications are just ways to link a customer back to the original website to purchase the item they want, but Ecwid is a newer application that allows customers to buy the item right on facebook.

If something like this develops further, it could be a gigantic competitor to Ebay. What do you think?

The source article can be found here:

Google Circles

It looks like Google is going to take another attempt at the social networking business. Their first attempt was called orkut, I believe, or something along those lines. I remember signing up for it, but then I never really touched it again. This second attempt is supposedly going to be much better than their first.!5781456/privacy-could-headline-google-circles-social-network-reveal-later-today

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Ray Kurzweil- Inventor/Scientist/Futurist about computing and information technology. Very interesting topic!


Ray Kurzweil has so many interesting things to say if you love information technology then this is a perfect research area for you. Ray Kurzweil is a scientist/inventor /engineer and a futurist that says that humans and machine can't be without one another they are connected and the relationship will only get closer as the years progress. Ray describes a really vivid picture about humans and their computers in the future, he states on a cnn interview that our computers will be as small as human red blood cells that will float to our brain and have access to Internet and cloud computing in our system. Moreover, as technology is advancing technology is getting smaller and humans are getting smarter because of technology. There is a documentary about Ray Kurzweil ideas about virtual reality, avatars, cell phones, science....this list goes on forever..etc. This documentary is called the "Transcendent Man". "Transcendent Man" is about if we don't fuse with technology it will overpower us. Ray Kurzweil gives an example how a social networks can overthrow a government, its capability is not exponential its linear its just going to keep going and keep getting better.



HERE IS ANOTHER VIDEO WITH RAY KURZWEIL CALLED "10 questions with Ray Kurzweil" interview with time magazine on their website:

This video has to do with everything we talk about in class like augmented reality, avatars..interesting,32068,686757398001_2033145,00.html


Friday, March 11, 2011

Supplement Post!

If you were interesting in how google keeps up with it's security issues, here is an article that popped up after I read the one regarding.


iPhone's lack of Security

This is a super short comical article about Apple's lack of protection against hackers. However, there is a link to read about the topic more.

P.S. I am Apple supporter

Get Your Face in the Game!

A lucky fan of the game, Resistance 3, will soon have their face scanned and incorporated into the game and the character will be a surviving character. The lucky winner, along with a friend, will receive free trip to San Diego, where developers of the game will scan the contest winner's face. If you're interested, better hurry because the contest ends today! Submit your photos.

Here's the link to the website to submit photos:

Robots Increased Interaction with Autistic Children

Researchers in London have conducted a study with an autistic girl by creating a robot resembling a child. Before the study was conducted, the 4-year old girl was hardly affectionate. After bring in the robot once a week for a 10 minute session, the girl began to be more affectionate toward her friends. The estimated cost of building this robot is $2,118. There are also several other robots, including one that is programmed to play Wii, but they are still in the experimental stages.

More info at:

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Baby-Making application?

There is a new Baby in the making application that can be used on smartphones. The main component of the app is a calendar. The calendar has a preloaded medicine list in case you have any medications to take and it allows you to put in appointments and location of the appointment. It also has a built in blog and built in resource section just in case you would like to learn about in-vitro fertilization. In addition the application has a budget tracker, photo and journal section but best of all you can easily upload what you want to onto Facebook!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Kill IE6!

Mozilla helps Microsoft by telling users how to stop using Internet Explorer 6. Microsoft has attempted to eliminate IE6 usage because of the decline of users. Although unlikely to happen, Mozilla has decided to help Microsoft by advising people how to stop using IE6. The problem with IE6 is that it is unable to upgrade to IE7 or IE8 and will not even be able to play applications available only for IE6.


Movies on Facebook!

Warner Bros. movie studio will begin to offer movies on Facebook.The "Dark Knight" will be available on the social networking site tomorrow for rental or purchase for a limited time.So now, you can just rent your movies from Facebook and pay for it using your Facebook credits , very interesting.

Spotify Still MIA

Spotify is a giant music library in which the user can listen to their favorite music and download it from around 10 million options. They have reported that they are now up to one million subscribers as well as over ten million active users. However, despite this large number of clients, their problem with availability is still their most prominent issue, since their services are still unavailable in the US! Currently Spotify is only available within selected European countries, but hopefully soon enough we Americans will have our chance to experience it.

Movies on Facebook

Warner Brothers has decided to make movies available on Facebook for sale or rent. Apparently they are trying to attract new business and customers via the social media juggernaut. There will be the option to pay for these services through a credit card or Facebook Credits. The rental only costs three dollars, and will be available through your Facebook account for two days. of course, being Facebook, users will have the opportunity to comment on the movies being watched by friends, as well as the classic LIKE! Honestly, I can't see myself paying money through Facebook to watch a movie on my account, but i think this idea just might be the next big thing!

Monday, March 7, 2011

iPhone App to create ringtones for free

For all the iPhone users in the class, I found this great application for ringtones. Personally I hate having to buy ringtones, and especially hate not being able to get them for certain songs off of iTunes. This application called Ringtone Designer by Blackout Labs is free and allows you to choose any song from your library and create a 30 second ringtone from any part of the song. It will play back the song for you and you also have the option of having it fade in and out. The only issue I have with this application is that you have to connect it to your computer in order to download the clip to your phone as a ringtone. I'm not sure if this is an application you can buy on other smart phones but it's worth checking out.

Tips for users:
Listen to the song first and mark down the time in the song you wish to start the ringtone first. It makes the process a lot easier than having to do it on the application.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Bright side of CHEMO..?

It seems that scientist have found a new type of treatment to lessen the painful side effects of Chemo. This tiny article explains how this "Red Light" omits light with out heat and benefits the patients .. PLEASE CHECK IT OUT ...;txt

Google flips Android kill switch!

Recently 21 rogue apps started installing security holes in Android phones; Google had to wipe the apps from the Android Market and called the authorities to reboot. However, 50,000 copies were already downloaded, Google basically had to rehack into people's phones to install and ensure that important information could not be copied. Google used the Android's remote kill switch to delete the apps from the air. They are not just removing offending packages, but also installing new code. The "Android Market Security Tool March 2011" will be remotely added to affected handsets to undo the exploit and keep it from sending your data out, as well as make you wonder just how much remote control Google has over our phones.

The 'killer app' that could help save lives

there are many apps oh phone or table that have many useful function but can one save your live?

Android Rein to top

Just recently Android claimed the number one spot for OS systems beating out Blackberry and iPhone. I wonder how long this will last or how Apple & Blackberry will react?

Bill Gates

Apparently the school are not being affective because of the budgets that most have. I ran across this just now and decided that I would share it with you guys because I subscribe to the page.


Arkaik Clothing

There's a student at ASU that runs a clothing line. This wouldn't really be on topic with our class discussion, but the biggest part of the advertising is done through Facebook. 
I remember "becoming a fan" of this clothing line last year. There was barely under 1000 people, now there's over 30,000 who "like" this brand. 
One person could hear of this company, then post one of the cool designs on their walls. Their friends click on it, see another design and share that one. Social networks makes it easy to readily share the company to new consumers. 

There are all kinds of flash deals that only the lucky few on Facebook at the right moment get to take advantage of, the one up right now says, 

"if 400 people like this, I will keep the code 'FLASHSALE' up for 20% off until tomorrow night. GO! And use the code to save yourself some money on our already AWESOME sale!"

You would put the link on your friends pages to try and get them to go like the status, to get yourself a great deal.

Careful somebody is watching you while watching them!!!

When I was younger I heard a saying that has alway stuck with me "time is money and information is power". I think this never been more true then now a days with all the data in the world being collected about everyone and everything. Well now you can add your trusted TV to the list of spies collecting information about your likes, wants and even health records. With companies paying big money to target the right audience what better way then using the very thing we use to get away for break form reality. This article gave me a thought I might want to shut the t.v. off and go do something else. If you have a minute to spare this is a interesting article about information and it's real value.

Beware of App

Google found itself in a bit of a serious situation recently, when malicious apps were reported in numerous Android devices. Apparently, malicious apps were available for download, and devices with earlier versions, and in concordance lower safety features, were susceptible to numerous viruses. The creators of these malicious apps used known vulnerabilities of previous android versions in order to access around 260,000 people's mobile devices! For the full story, feel free to check out the article at

iPad 2's Shortcomings

Josh Lowensohn from CNET News recently produced an article on whether he believed original iPad users would be trading up for the newer, updated iPad 2. Though he says he will certainly be buying one for work purposes, he also doubts that any other iPad original users will be switching. He says that honestly, there isn't enough of a difference to warrant purchasing the new iPad. He goes on to say that Apple could have gone further and some more things to the Original iPad in order to distance the iPad 2 from its predecessor, including: Retina Display, an SD Card Slot/ USB Port, Thunderbolt Connectivity, NFC Technology, and 4G. Honestly, I'm fine with lugging around my laptop everywhere I go, but for you tablet users out there, check out this article!

Ipad 2 Wins in Price

Apparently since the original Ipad, over a 100 similar type products have been made. The more popular, Motorola Zoom and Samsung Galaxy Tab, cannot match Apple's Ipad 2 amazing price at $499, and neither can the other 100 prototypes. Therefore, not only is the Apple Ipad better then the other 100 tablets, but nobody else can match it's pricing. Since last April, the original Ipad has sold over 15 million and has generated 9.5 billion dollars.
It's been reported that a fair few of these copy cat tablets are catching up to the first Ipad, as in, just as good, can do everything the original can, etc. However, nobody has met the competitive match the Ipad has made just yet.

Social Media not involved in Free Speech?

A code of conduct was signed between Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft to protect free speech and privacy. This has been known as the Global Network Initiative. However, since the shenanigans in the Middle East, it's a bit of shock that Twitter and Facebook are absent from this pact. To give a bit of idea of what this pact does, Microsoft has shut down a blog by a Chinese journalist who worked for The New York Times, Google has introduced a censored search engine in China, and Yahoo has turned over data that has led to the imprisonment of Chinese activists.
They are still trying to get in cahoots with Facebook over this project, and Twitter has declined to comment.

Real Time IT News

I was searching the internet and ran across a site about real-time IT News. I just found it interesting on how it was so relevant to the twitter geo-tagging we were discussing in class. The site link is below and it has a wide range of topics, definitely browse through a few listings.
One of the major differences between the Android Market and Apple Market applications wise is that Apple inspects each application before they release it, where as Android does not, sure this enables a bit more free will in what Android devs want to release, though it also opens up a whole new realm for those that want to upload malicious applications.
Just last week Google took down 21+ applications from the Market because they were trying to steal personal information and upload it. Though what about the 500,000 people that have already downloaded it? Well turns out Google has a OTA (over the air) kill switch, in which they can remove the app even without your permission. How much power is too much power?

Source: Link

Xoom to 4G LTE --Even if You've Rooted It!

Fantastic news for you android users and rooters all around, turns out that Motorola when the time comes to upgrade the Xoom's to LTE that they attempt to upgrade the hardware and software regardless of what you've done to it, including adding accessories, painting the device and even if you've rooted it and played with the OS!

Source: Link

The split Andriod.

Having information on your computer or phone can be handy and easily accessible, especially if you post it on the internet. However, having this information more accessible for you can also endanger that information to be easier to access for everybody else in a society where hacking is becoming a common practice. Well there's a new app for the Android where the phone can act as two different devices.

One side can be opened up and the user can play their usual games on it and post on their social websites, and then they can flip to the other environment and it acts like a totally different device with a much higher level of security which is a useful program for company data and important personels who need to protect their work data.


Money for Recycling Electronics

EcoATM, a new kind of kiosk has started to surface. It is a new machine that gives cash to people who drop of their old electronics. I personally think its a good idea with how quick we are running through new electronics today, but this machine will definitely have to be offering competitive prices in order to keep us from selling it to someone else over eBay or craigslist.

Although, it offers a good alternative to us just throwing away electronics that are completely broken and couldn't be sold or used otherwise. Although, something to think about is this would be a great way for people to sell stolen electronics quick and easy; its almost like a small pawn shop. What do you guys think?

The source article can be found here:

Microsoft refuses to "beef up" their mobile operating system

This isn't for their mobile phone, however. Microsoft wants to use their desktop OS for their new tablet to compete with the iPad. This is okay with me, if I were to buy a tablet, I don't want a phone OS like Apple has for their iPad. People are worried that this is the wrong move as the Windows 7 phone OS touch screen works and sells much better than the desktop version.

Can't find your phone?

Do you hate it when you lose your phone and no one is around to help you call it, so you end up just trying to look through all of the last places you last saw it? Well there is a site made just for that now and its completely free. There's a site that was created for the sole reason for finding your phone, just put your number into the main page and hit the "hello" button and it will call your phone and immediately refresh the page so that you can do it again if you didn't find it for the first call. Such a handy website that shows that technology is becoming more and more connected to each other.

Algorthms Controlling Content

I stumbled across an article that talks about the invisible, or hidden algorithms that websites use to filter content that is more suiting to our liking. These algorithms can filter out posts from people that we may not normally talk with, meaningless spam, or other information that we have ignored or clicked to filter in the past. These filters can also show or hide information based on what we have liked or searched for before.

This can most commonly be seen on Facebook, but other websites use these kind of algorithms as well, even Google. The question is, are these algorithms showing us giving us the information we need to be seeing, or the information that it thinks we want to see? I say it can hinder us by keeping other important information away from us because it may not be deemed important by the algorithms. What do you think?

The source article can be found here:

Creating music solely from the computer

Instead of creating your own music, Gregg Gillis (Girl Talk) simply takes other pieces of music and combines them together to make his own track. Now it's interesting to see people make music, but completely from the computer is on a different level.

Augmented Reality for Iphone

I found a list of the 37 best Augmented Reality applications for Iphone. To may suprise most of these weren't games. There are Augmented Reality applications that if you point the camera on your phone at a street it will tell you what corner your at, augmented compass, and even applications that will tell you the structure your looking at like if your were to look at a mountian it will tell you the name of the mountian and even its elavation. For those of you that have Iphones here is the page of the best Augmented Reality applications for you to check out.


Law and Facebook

I read an article from New York Times online that talked about the recent use of Facebook posts and tweets to arrest or provide evidence in legal cases. There have been many instances where a social media post has provided enough evidence to put someone in jail, or to remove them from jail. Also, it is effecting school kids and teachers. It seems that our privacy is stake more now than ever. I understand the benefits to using social media and social networking for social purposes, or to boost business, but how far are we willing to go? My question is how much longer are we going to continue to put our personal information on the internet with the possibility that it could have serious legal consequences? How many more social media site will appear before the public starts to get concerned? 

Advancing Wifi

I think that having access to the internet should always be free and accessible tool to everyone. I think as technology evolves, people are always looking for a faster, easier way to access the internet without ridiculous cost. Wifi is now includes in game systems, televisions, and business. The link to the article states how wifi is advancing outside of businesses and eventually will be include in every building such as apartment complexes, shopping centers, corner stores. It will eventually eliminate dial up and a costly ISP.


Ipad 2

As we all know, the Ipad was recently released and I found an article that lists 12 new highlighted features. The first thing is that it is thinner. For all of the performance, it is amazing how thin the technology is getting and still be able to do several objectives. Of course the second had to have a camera, it even has one in the front. The battery life time is still the same as before even though it has all of these new capabilities. Another cool detail is that the graphics will be amazing. According to the article it has 9x the capabilities of the first Ipad. These are the features that automatically stood out, there are still more. I just think it's crazy that the time in between each model is getting shorter and shorter. That goes for gaming modules and phones as well. There is no time wasted in bringing out the new and better improved versions.


Saturday, March 5, 2011

Using Facebook to identify wrongdoing

This article I found is very interesting it states how a police officer is currently under investigation over whether she violated the social media policy. I didn't know Police had social media policies. The surprising thing is that things that like this is common nowadays. Facebook is used to do so many things, including investigations.’s-facebook-posts-prompt-investigation-2011-02

Facebook's secrets

Everyone wonders why facebook is so successful and even though Myspace ruled all before, how facebook has taken everyone. The only reason why I switched to facebook was because the main reason of comunication with friends and networking. A lot of people starting using facebook so I couldn't be the only one still on myspace. This article I found states the reasons to Facebook's success.

"Layar" Ipad app

This app that the guest speaker introduced us to in class is amazing. Honestly I was in class in class when he started talking about this and I had to download the app right then and there. So i downloaded it and tried it out. You can search for things you want. Such as restaurants, then you turn it on and the compass tells you where it is and how far the restaurant is. It actually works quite well and is fun to play with.

Real Estate on the Moon...?

What do home owners look for in a new home, a great view, open area, an amazing starry sky? Well the moon has all of these qualities. Well unless your an astronaut this is less then likely to be possible in the near future but a new discovery may be leading to such a future. Japanese astronaut found a moon hole close to the moon's equator that has a constant temperature of just 20 degrees Celsius(-4 degrees Fahrenheit). This hole is optimule for creating a small lunar base.!5773346/giant-underground-chamber-discovered-in-the-moon

Increased Web Security

An institute in a European country (Croatia) has developed a clever way to keep hackers from entering their website by requesting a person enter their name, password, affiliated organization, and above all, solve a calculus math problem. I personally think this is somewhat effective for increased security, but it would be a problem for members of the institute who are knowledgeable about math. Besides, there are websites that could solve math problems so hackers could still be able to enter websites.

More info:

Galaxy Tab 10.1

Samsung has finally released their own tablet, Ipad users are about to be blown away. It is a 10.1 inch powered by a dual-core Tegra 2 processor! The Galaxy Tab 10.1 may only slack in it's battery life but has a an 8 megapixel in the back and a 2 megapixel for the front. The connectivity's it will have are bluetooth, usb, and WiFi, currently there is no network to carry the Galaxy. Videos will be able to play at 1080p at around 24 frames per second as well as record! Apple better watch out!

Friday, March 4, 2011

NEW Apple, Google and Facebook Updates!

I found the most recent updates of innovations and new things for all the companies that college students are familiar with and widely use like Apple, Google and Facebook. Apple 's new product the ipad 2 came out which is drawing people's attention in many different ways. I already made a post about the camera that could have been better. Also Google announced their "new" algorithm that it allows you to make your life easier when searching the web. Google favors high quality searches so all those searches that do not relate to your topic at all well you don't have to worry about that anymore. So now Google search will relate more to your phrase than ever! Moreover, Google is predicting that this will raise their searches about 12 %.Last but not least, I am sure you guys already know about Facebook's "Like" button, but what about it? Facebook "Like" capability now allows you to link what you are "liking" potentially. For example, if it says "Danielle Clarke likes The Social Network " the like button will give you the access where you can post the link say the movie website so your friends and family can "see" what you are liking.

Ipad 2 camera is it that BAD?


Our class discussion is perfect for this. On Thursday to my group I suggested that the ipad would be great for construction projects. I said that the ipad "camera" specifically could be used to make a virtual reality of the room and as well as the measurements. I think that this is a wonderful idea, instead of using blueprints, the ipad could potentially create it for you. So now, that this ipad camera article out I felt like this could be bad for people with ideas like mine. For instance, the ipad camera resolution has the same as the ipod touch instead of the genius ipod phone 4. Disappointed? So am I. Even though the ipad looks nice and has a great design but with the similar low-resolution as the touch I just wish they would have thought of the kind of people in different occupations that could potentially use this device to save lives in a war, create beautiful virtual reality worlds or be used for all types of engineering. But its not..maybe ipad 3 should have this, I hope Apple comes across this blog post and hires me for this job because they need to know how important their camera on the ipad on it can literally save someone's life.

Computer with Eye-Tracking Device

As discussed in class, eye-tracking devices are still not available for all consumers. A new laptop has been manufactured by Lenovo that measures eye movement. Certain programs on the computer could be controlled by eye movement, but the size of the computer is unsatisfying. The laptop's screen becomes dim when it senses that nobody is looking at it and brightens when it does. Nevertheless, I think it will be helpful for those people who are not able to use their hands.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Family Film Guide: 'I Am Number Four,' 'Unknown' and more

Family Film Guide: 'I Am Number Four,' 'Unknown' and more

Police investigating bank employee in connection with PHX robbery

Police investigating bank employee in connection with PHX robbery

Facebook throwing people in Jail?

If it's written, if it's posted, then it's evidence.

Facebook postings are, of course, public, and they are helping in the case against Rodney Bradford--in the same way they were used to help him OUT of jail.

"Though social media postings have emerged only recently as an element of prosecutions, those in the legal arena are fast learning that Facebook, MySpace and Twitter can help to pin down the whereabouts of suspects and shed light on motives.

And online postings can help prosecutors establish a level of intent, or even premeditation, in sometimes crucial components of crimes. In Arizona, the man charged in a shooting rampage focused on Representative Gabrielle Giffords posted a message on his MySpace profile saying, “Goodbye friends,” hours before the shooting, a note that prosecutors may use as evidence of premeditation."


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The internet on your Television

As of today, less and less people are watching television. What are they doing instead? People are now more into the Internet and watching shows online. In efforts to maintain their audience, TV manufacturers, cable and satellite providers are looking to bring the Internet to TV. Some of these people are already ahead of the game such as Samsung who has the new LED 7000 and 8000 models Televisions with high-definition which will have embedded Skype software so that Skype users can make video and voice calls through the TVs. "Cable companies and other pay-TV providers may use software that would provide Internet access via set-top boxes. No new TV would be needed, and the customer's remote control could essentially act as a mouse." In my opinion I am not sure if I will enjoy surfing the web while watching TV. Personally TV is relaxing because I can just sit there and watch, I do not need to be constantly typing or surfing. I am curious as to what you all think about internet coming to TV?

Freakin Canadians!

Apparently the ex-defense minister of Canada believes the aliens exist. Not only does he believe that they exist, but he is convinced that the US actually has possession of alien life forms and technology. He bashes us for not using these technologies to help solve environmental problems, and says we need to break free from our deceptiveness and dark secrets. Personally, I think this guy forgot to take his pills this morning, but that's just me. Take a look and make your own opinion!

Doctor on call, LITERALLY!

Due to the fact that there are many areas in the world are medically under served but well served by advanced cellular networks, researchers at the University of California Berkeley have created the Cellscope. The Cellscope is a "microscope that attaches to a camera-equipped cell phone and produces two kinds of imaging, called brightfield and fluorescence microscopy. The CellScope can snap magnified pictures of disease samples and transmit them to medical labs across the country or around the world." The cellscope will allow medically under served areas to have access to the top doctors in the world, and overall it will help save lives!

The iPad 2

The Apple iPad 2 has just recently come out. While other competitors are just coming out with their versions of the original iPad, Apple is so ahead of the game that they have already released the second version of their groundbreaking device. Visit this link and behold its glory!

Anyone can take a class at MIT!!

I was inspired to use the Stumble website after our class discussion on it. Sure enough I found the most amazing tool ever. I was stumbling on the tag of university/college, and I came across the MIT open courseware website. This website allows anyone to take online MIT courses. There are over 2000 courses available! Most of the courses provide lecture videos, lecture notes, a syllabus, and some homework assignments. These classes are not for credit and you can do the class at your own pace. I have been wanting to take some classes at ASU but have not been able to because it is not part of my major. Now that I have found this opportunity, I am going to make the most of it by taking some online classes on my spare time. The best part about this is that other universities such as Stanford and UC Berkeley also have these free online classes!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Iain Hutchison: Saving faces | Video on

Iain Hutchison: Saving faces | Video on

PD: Man shot multiple times during burglary at Phoenix home

PD: Man shot multiple times during burglary at Phoenix home

Pop Culture

Ipad apps for restaurants

I read about this very upscale restaurant in NY that started handing out ipads for menus. Not only can you order stuff, but you can see photos, ingredient lists, calorie and nutrition information and reviews. Thats yelp at your table ! I would love to see this idea work and expand.

I couldn't find the original post but google tells me there are other examples: