Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Tin Phan Introduction

Hi, My name is Tin Phan. I am currently a freshmen at ASU majoring in informatics. I grew up in a country in southeast asia call VietNam. I moved to US when i was 13 and i am now currently 19 years old. I live in Peoria as of now but planning to move to Tempe sometimes in the next few years. I take CPI101 because it is require for my major. I am a computer geek and had been that way for as long as i can remember. I especially love playing video game on the computer and my favorite game is StarCraft. The interesting about this game is that it is considered an e-sport in Korean. There are leagues, sponsors, tournament, and fans that dedicated themselves to this game. Few quick facts about this game is that Player (Or Athlete) get paid up to 300k dollars a year for playing and there are 4 TV channels that broadcast StarCraft 24/7.

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