Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Patrik Walters: The Artist

Hello! My name is Patrik Walters. I was born in Orange County, California, however I have been living in Arizona for over ten years. My major at the present is English Literature, though I'm leaning more and more towards Communications as the days progress. My reason for taking this class would have to be that, though granted it does mainly fulfill my Computer Science requirement, it also caught my attention among the other Computer classes, and simply seemed like an interesting class to participate in. One of the more unique traits of my life would have to be my sisters, Hayley age 5 and Karina age 6, whom I actually enjoy spending time with. They make the hour long drive to my mom's place totally worth it. my motorcycle helps too, but I really like taking a break from work and school and even friends for just a day a week to go and visit them. So, that's pretty much me. Hope everyone has a great day today :)

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