Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Introduction - Nathaniel Soqui

Hi, my name is Nathaniel Soqui but most of my close friends and family members just call me Soqui. I was born in California and I grew up in Oregon. Most of my family lived in Arizona, so we moved back here around 7 years ago. My major use to be Computer Science but I didn't figure myself much of a code monkey, so I switched to Informatics because it seemed to be more of my style in terms of creativity. The actual reason I have to take the class was because my original class in CSE 101 was only 2 credits, and I still had 1 credit to make up for, so I signed up. So far I am enjoying all of the lectures and discussions we have in class and I hope to see more of them. Something unique about me is that I use to spend all of my time in high school aspiring to become a Graphic Design major, but decided that it was going to be more of a hobby than anything. I also am an Eagle Scout, and had been in boy scouts since I was about 7 years old.

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