Friday, January 28, 2011


My name is Jill Miller, and I've lived in Gilbert since I was five years old. Before that I lived in San Diego, California and I absolutely love it there. I'm majoring in fine art, specifically painting; watercolor is my favorite medium. I hope to be a children's book author and illustrator. I'm taking this class because I need the credit and informatics seemed much more interesting than any of my other choices.
I love to wear costumes for no other reason than because I have them. I don't just dress up on Halloween or for other holidays or the Renaissance Festival. I dress up for Mondays or Thursdays or I-want-to-be-a-superhero days, and I have all kinds of costumes. So when the girl walks into the room with a cape billowing around her and a swashbuckler hat, know that it's most likely me.

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