Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Alexander Ebertz: About Me

  • Hello folks, my name is Alexander, you can just call me Alex or "Hey You!" i respond to either.
  • I grew up here in Phoenix, Az. Though I moved to Washington State for a few years because of my father's job, then for the same reason I moved back to phoenix, I plan on moving one more time to Washington permanently next time for a job and life.
  • I am in the Herberger Institute for Design in the Arts with a Digital Culture Focus. Curious what that is? well I made a nice little link for you:) Digital Culture @ Asu
  • The basic description of the class appealed to my nerdy side and it was also a substitution for a Digital Culture class.
  • One unique thing about me is that I am a total gadget freak, I know about all new gizmos and gadgets and useless information like that. I sell Cell Phones and love every bit of it.

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