Thursday, January 27, 2011


Hey yall, I'm Matt Bianco-Splann. I was born in Manhattan (That's New York City for those who don't know), and I just moved to Arizona in August of 2010. The weather you guys have here is incredible! I am taking this course because I am planning on switching my major to Informatics or Computer Science or maybe both, depending on how ambitious I am feeling. Currently, I am an Architecture major, but I just couldn't handle the heat so I got out of the kitchen. Uhhh, yeah. I like playing Ultimate Frisbee, I play for the ASU club team, and I loooove eating mexican food, and meeting new people. So message me or something if you want to go eat Chipotle! That includes you, Dr.Atkinson! Not sure what else to put on here. Have a great day!

Matt Bianco-Splann

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