Wednesday, January 26, 2011

A little bit about myself:)

Hello all, my name is Monica Gonzalez and I am a freshman at Arizona State University. I am Kinesiology/pre-medicine major in the College of Nursing and Health Innovation. I was born in Ventura, California but have no memory of that part of my life for when I was two I moved to Hilo, Hawaii. About eight years ago I moved to Arizona and currently reside In Scottsdale. I am taking CIS 101 due to the fact that it takes care of my computer science requirement for general studies and also (most importantly) because I have been recently looking into a bioinformatics research internship at TGEN in downtown Phoenix. I think this class will give me a better idea as to what is informatics and therefore will help me better understand bioinformatics.

I am really looking forward to the rest of the semester and I hope to get more acquainted with everyone in the class!!

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