Saturday, January 29, 2011

Maryanne Mobley Introduction

My name is Maryanne Mobley and I grew up in Sedona, Arizona. I'm a CIS major in my sophmore year and before this last week I was still an exploratory student. I chose to take this class because it looked interesting, and although it honestly doesn't fulfill any requirement for my major, I think it's important to be open to anything and everything. I enjoy the technology crowd and so far I'm enjoying this class and its people. I've never had a blog before so it's an entirely new experience to me and it took me a while to figure out how to even post on this page haha.
I'm a carefree person who enjoys laughing at life and enjoys the little things. I have an obsession with tetris and I collect pennies. I fancy myself as a poet at heart and am a master at loitering. So if anyone is ever in any need for loitering tips, I'm the person you need to talk to.

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