Monday, January 31, 2011

Intro Greg Pruitt Jr.

I am pretty much an Apple head. I own basically every iPhone that comes out and hack the baseband software in minutes, no information needed. I was born in Chicago, Illinois and moved to Arizona after freshman year of high school. I hate the heat out here, it's too hot to be living in the desert. I think that's pretty much it.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Introduction- Earvena Chalmers

My name is Earvena Chalmers, and I grew up in Las Vegas, NV. I currently major in business interdisciplinary studies. I took this class to fulfill a requirement for my major and im hoping to understand what informatics is all about. One unique thing about me is that i was the valedvictorian on my high school.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Maryanne Mobley Introduction

My name is Maryanne Mobley and I grew up in Sedona, Arizona. I'm a CIS major in my sophmore year and before this last week I was still an exploratory student. I chose to take this class because it looked interesting, and although it honestly doesn't fulfill any requirement for my major, I think it's important to be open to anything and everything. I enjoy the technology crowd and so far I'm enjoying this class and its people. I've never had a blog before so it's an entirely new experience to me and it took me a while to figure out how to even post on this page haha.
I'm a carefree person who enjoys laughing at life and enjoys the little things. I have an obsession with tetris and I collect pennies. I fancy myself as a poet at heart and am a master at loitering. So if anyone is ever in any need for loitering tips, I'm the person you need to talk to.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Intro: Zack B.

  • Gifs

    Hello, I'm Zachary Bernstein and I enjoy using my computer frequently. I was born in Dallas, TX and lived there for about 5 years. I moved to Cleveland Ohio and graduated from Hudson High school. I moved to Arizona to start my college education. My father is from AZ so its nice that I get to visit him often.

    My major is BIS and my concentration areas are English and Informatics. I wanted to take an informatics class so I could learn more about what it was. I find it interesting but I have much to learn I assume. I took a multi-media class in HS and we used Frontpage, Photoshop, Premiere. We did some programming but just HTML.
    I like using computers and I think that this class will be helpful in the "digital age". I really like to hang out with my friends and relax, I love watching movies and making popcorn and when I have time, stay up late and play video/computer games. :P

Jennifer Welch

Hey everyone I'm Jennifer Welch. I grew up in Kirkland, WA which is about 15 minutes east of Seattle. I'm a sophomore and my major is Informatics. I am super excited about this major for all the opportunitites for jobs out there. I would love to get a job in Europe somewhere. I am taking this class because its required for the major. One unique thing about me is that my dream job would be to work for Blizzard Entertainment testing games and help to find ways to make the experience better for players.


My name is Jill Miller, and I've lived in Gilbert since I was five years old. Before that I lived in San Diego, California and I absolutely love it there. I'm majoring in fine art, specifically painting; watercolor is my favorite medium. I hope to be a children's book author and illustrator. I'm taking this class because I need the credit and informatics seemed much more interesting than any of my other choices.
I love to wear costumes for no other reason than because I have them. I don't just dress up on Halloween or for other holidays or the Renaissance Festival. I dress up for Mondays or Thursdays or I-want-to-be-a-superhero days, and I have all kinds of costumes. So when the girl walks into the room with a cape billowing around her and a swashbuckler hat, know that it's most likely me.

Thursday, January 27, 2011


My name is Nick Piacentine, I grew up in Tempe...a whole 5 miles south of ASU. I'm an informatics major, and like some others in this class I'm taking it to fulfill my major requirement. I work for ASU at the Mars Space Flight Facility as a systems administrator and web developer. I'm a scuba instructor, and the team lead for NASA Space Grant Robotics at ASU.


Hey yall, I'm Matt Bianco-Splann. I was born in Manhattan (That's New York City for those who don't know), and I just moved to Arizona in August of 2010. The weather you guys have here is incredible! I am taking this course because I am planning on switching my major to Informatics or Computer Science or maybe both, depending on how ambitious I am feeling. Currently, I am an Architecture major, but I just couldn't handle the heat so I got out of the kitchen. Uhhh, yeah. I like playing Ultimate Frisbee, I play for the ASU club team, and I loooove eating mexican food, and meeting new people. So message me or something if you want to go eat Chipotle! That includes you, Dr.Atkinson! Not sure what else to put on here. Have a great day!

Matt Bianco-Splann

Bonjour, I'm Vanessa Ray

I'm Vanessa Ray Gibson, but I prefer to go by Nessa. I have sadly lived in Arizona all my life. My current major is Creative Writing, but I plan to become a double major asap this semester with Film. Something love writing horror stories and only ever have nightmares. "You never have any other type of dreams!?" " lucid dreams fall under the category of 'other?'"
I'm taking this class because I obviously wish to fill the requirement, but, I also hope to stop telling my computer that I hate it. It just gets mad at me when I abuse it, and then throws fits when I call it an idiot box.

George Boden

I'm George Boden. I was born in Scottsdale and have lived there my entire life. I'm on my second semester of Freshman year. My current major is exploratory, but after this semester, I'm switching out of ASU and going over to The University of Advancing Technology to go after a Game Design major. Also, I'm pretty sure I can fly.

In this class, I hope to learn something that will help me with my preferred future career (Game Designer).

My Introduction - Jerry Norris

Hi, I am Jerry Norris, I was born in California and grew up in Chandler, Arizona. I'm currently a sophomore studying communication. The reason I'm taking this class is to fulfill a major requirement, but it's beginning to interest me. As a hobby I run track and field.

I'm Gene Park

Hello everyone. Nice to meet you, my name is Gene Park. I am a freshman at ASU. I was majoring in Psychology but I just recently changed my major to Theatre.
I'm from Pasadena, California. I'm very glad to go to ASU and take this class.
At the beginning I took this class because it fit my schedule and fulfilled my requirements. However, when I started going to class I started to enjoy the class and what it had to offer because it was interesting. The class offers students a great introduction to informatics.
One of the hobbies I enjoy doing is golf, I plan on going far with my career.

David Scott

Hello all, my name is David Scott and I'm a Freshman in the Computer Science Major. Why am I taking this class? Well I wanted to see what Informatics really is, and plus it is a good class to take for my major in the long run. Something unique about me? I am one of few people that go to ASU that actually use longboards to race and slide and not just for transportation. Oh and I plan on interning at Riot Games next summer (:

Nancy Olivarria

Hi, my name is Nancy Olivarria. I am a sophomore and was majoring in Nursing. I have just switched to BIS with concentrations in Informatics and Health Innovation. I have always been interested in working with computers and fascinated by all of the things that can be done with technology. I took a computing class on the West campus, ACO 101, and was not convinced on it so much. What brought me to informatics was that it was a concentration in the BIS degree and it sounded like something I would be highly interested in. I hope to continue with this and be able to gain from this class more knowledge about what I can do with an Informatics degree. I also work part time and am on a dance team for a minor league football team in Arizona.

Joshua Lundstrom

Yo my name is Joshua Lundstrom. I am an English Creative Writing major. I love reading, writing, and anythingfantasy, sci fi, or fiction in general. I am taking the class because I have to take it to fufill my degree. I didn't know at all what it was about but I've grown to like the class and its concepts. I was born and grew up in Az and moved multiple times. Currently living over in Cholla Halls. Interesting fact about me is I have voluntered with Phoenix Zoo and have swam with batrays, dolphins, and sharks.

Hello Class!!

My name is Glenn Karlson. I was born in California and raised in a city named Yorba Linda, which on a side note, is famous for being the birthplace of former President Richard Nixon. I am currently a junior working towards a BIS degree in Business and Informatics. I have a passion for technology and its overall effect on society. I’m taking this class as it is a requirement within my degree, also I feel it will give me a more global view on how technology is changing the world we live in. Plus, my knowledge of this field is limited so I’m very interested to learn more. Which in return will only help with my future career endeavors. Over the last decade I have been a volunteer ice hockey coach in the valley. Yes there is ice in the desert!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Tin Phan Introduction

Hi, My name is Tin Phan. I am currently a freshmen at ASU majoring in informatics. I grew up in a country in southeast asia call VietNam. I moved to US when i was 13 and i am now currently 19 years old. I live in Peoria as of now but planning to move to Tempe sometimes in the next few years. I take CPI101 because it is require for my major. I am a computer geek and had been that way for as long as i can remember. I especially love playing video game on the computer and my favorite game is StarCraft. The interesting about this game is that it is considered an e-sport in Korean. There are leagues, sponsors, tournament, and fans that dedicated themselves to this game. Few quick facts about this game is that Player (Or Athlete) get paid up to 300k dollars a year for playing and there are 4 TV channels that broadcast StarCraft 24/7.

Patrik Walters: The Artist

Hello! My name is Patrik Walters. I was born in Orange County, California, however I have been living in Arizona for over ten years. My major at the present is English Literature, though I'm leaning more and more towards Communications as the days progress. My reason for taking this class would have to be that, though granted it does mainly fulfill my Computer Science requirement, it also caught my attention among the other Computer classes, and simply seemed like an interesting class to participate in. One of the more unique traits of my life would have to be my sisters, Hayley age 5 and Karina age 6, whom I actually enjoy spending time with. They make the hour long drive to my mom's place totally worth it. my motorcycle helps too, but I really like taking a break from work and school and even friends for just a day a week to go and visit them. So, that's pretty much me. Hope everyone has a great day today :)

Amber Hendrix

Hi, my name is Amber Hendrix. I am a junior, should be senior. I bounced around schools, I spent my freshman year at NAU as a theater major then transferred to MCC for two years and this is my second semester at ASU. I am a women and gender studies major. My one interesting detail about my life would be I am a karaoke diva. I do karaoke 4 times a week at 4 different places. Its out of control, but its incredibly fun. I am in a group but I do sing occasionally by myself.

Nate Mueller Intro

Hi, my name is Nate Mueller. I am in my junior year of my bio science major. I have lived here in Arizona my entire life and wouldn't really want to be anywhere else. While science is my main focus, customizing technology has always been amazing to me. I am looking forward to learning how to manipulate it further. To balance out that nerdy comment in my free time I play baseball in an old mens league, golf, and have been learning how to play guitar with you tube for the past year.


Hello everybody, my name is Reynaldo Castaneda and I am a freshman year student at ASU that hails from the small town of Parker, Arizona. I am a student of the College of Liberal Arts and Science who is majoring in Linguistics. I grew up in a small town of 4,000 people. This town was located next to the Colorado River and near a small Native American reservation community. Yes, I actually grew up with real “mom and pop stores”. There wasn’t a presence of a Wal-Mart, Starbucks, or much of that manner until this past year.

While scrolling for a CS general requirement class I stumbled upon this CPI 101. The title of the class caught my attention; the description seemed to be very interesting and relevant to the future which made me confident about my choice. One thing that I been told that is unique about me is the way I read. When reading a book, novel, or story, I’ve been told that I switch demeanor and act out in voices and demonstrate varied facial expressions as if reading a book to a toddler. My friends say its fine when you’re reading book to a 3year old ,but when we are reading things or telling stories I get too “into it”.

Jill's Intro

Hi! My name is Jill Schimmel. I'm from Philadelphia, Pa and I moved out here for school and the beautiful sunshine! 
I'm in my junior year at ASU, majoring in FIne Art with a concentration in Ceramics. I plan on teaching art in an elementary school after I finnish college.
I took this class because it fulfills my very last gen.ed. requirement and it fits perfectly in my schedule.
When I'm not in the art studio (or in informatics class) I can be found volunteering at our local animal shelter, rock climbing, or perfecting the art of vegan baking. took me while to figure this thing out, so originally I posted my intro as a comment to another post. oops.


My name is Jordan Davies, I am an informatics student in the Ira A. Fulton school of engineering.
I am absolutely a die hard Apple geek, I love all over their technology. Currently I am going through a serious of interviews to start working there before the new Iphone with Verizon comes out. I have lived in Phoenix my whole life, but all of my family is from South Dakota (that's the state with Mount Rushmore). I love technology and regret every trying to be an architect....well unless of course it's an information architect ;)

Bond. Nick Bond

Yes, my last name is actually Bond, and no, I don't get the James Bond jokes very often anymore and I'm more than likely not going to name my son James. I'm from O'Fallon, Missouri, it's a suburb of St. Louis. I don't have that bad of an accent I don't think, though. I moved out here to Arizona my junior year of high school. This is my sophomore year at ASU, I just switched to Informatics from computer science. I'm taking this class as a requirement for my new major. Informatics seems more like I want to do than computer science. Something different about me is that I played goal keeper in high school, broke a few bones, got a few concussions. Such is life.

Introduction - Nathaniel Soqui

Hi, my name is Nathaniel Soqui but most of my close friends and family members just call me Soqui. I was born in California and I grew up in Oregon. Most of my family lived in Arizona, so we moved back here around 7 years ago. My major use to be Computer Science but I didn't figure myself much of a code monkey, so I switched to Informatics because it seemed to be more of my style in terms of creativity. The actual reason I have to take the class was because my original class in CSE 101 was only 2 credits, and I still had 1 credit to make up for, so I signed up. So far I am enjoying all of the lectures and discussions we have in class and I hope to see more of them. Something unique about me is that I use to spend all of my time in high school aspiring to become a Graphic Design major, but decided that it was going to be more of a hobby than anything. I also am an Eagle Scout, and had been in boy scouts since I was about 7 years old.

hey :]

I'm Talia. I am from Anchorage, Alaska, where I lived for the majority of my life. I'm a sophomore majoring in Anthropology and Russian, and am taking CPI101 in part because it fulfills a general requirement, but also, because it was the least intimidating of the computer science classes. Needless to say, I'm not a fan of science-y things. As for something interesting about favorite sport is hockey, and I love to cheer on the Alaska Aces, my hometown team :]


Hello my name is Megan Farnes. I am a Transfer Student from CGCC. I lived in Iowa tell I was 17 years old then moved out here to Gilbert where I graduated from Higley High School in 2008. I then attended CGCC for a year after taking a year off and then found my way to ASU. I haven't picked a major yet but I am looking to Computer Animation as a possible career in the futrue. The reason I took this course was because I like to understand the reasoning for thing more so then how they made. I like to use things in different ways and create ideas. Something unique about me is that I love graphic design and have just recently became interested in computer animation.

A little bit about myself:)

Hello all, my name is Monica Gonzalez and I am a freshman at Arizona State University. I am Kinesiology/pre-medicine major in the College of Nursing and Health Innovation. I was born in Ventura, California but have no memory of that part of my life for when I was two I moved to Hilo, Hawaii. About eight years ago I moved to Arizona and currently reside In Scottsdale. I am taking CIS 101 due to the fact that it takes care of my computer science requirement for general studies and also (most importantly) because I have been recently looking into a bioinformatics research internship at TGEN in downtown Phoenix. I think this class will give me a better idea as to what is informatics and therefore will help me better understand bioinformatics.

I am really looking forward to the rest of the semester and I hope to get more acquainted with everyone in the class!!

Who I am

My name is Jeremiah Bassey and I am from Tempe , Arizona. Currrently , am a sophomore in the college of Engineering ,majoring in Informatics . This class is part of major reguirement, and I switched to this program from Computer Science because I don't want to spend hours upon hours debugging a program code just for having an imaginary extra space in it ; which is what I was doing just before I took a break to write this post.

About me.

My name is Catherine Gardiola and I come from Corona, CA although I was born in LA. I moved to AZ when I was around 11. I am currently a Literature major with a Film minor and looking into screen writing. The reason I am taking this class is because this class fulfills my cs requirement. The unique fact about me is that I am really into japanese/korean mangas, animes, dramas and music.

Introduction- Danielle Clarke

Hello, my name is Danielle Clarke. I am currently a sophomore in the Ira. A Fulton School of Engineering. I grew up in Apache Junction, Arizona and then moved to Gilbert, Arizona when I was 15. My major is Informatics and I am actually really excited about getting a degree in informatics because of the numerous amounts of job opportunities that it offers. The reason wh I am taking this class because it’s a requirement for my major. In addition, I am also taking this class because I want to learn and gain more knowledge of what is informatics is and how I can apply what I learn in this class to a career. After researching on topics in lecture this week, I am really interested knowing more about being an information architect.

Alexander Ebertz: About Me

  • Hello folks, my name is Alexander, you can just call me Alex or "Hey You!" i respond to either.
  • I grew up here in Phoenix, Az. Though I moved to Washington State for a few years because of my father's job, then for the same reason I moved back to phoenix, I plan on moving one more time to Washington permanently next time for a job and life.
  • I am in the Herberger Institute for Design in the Arts with a Digital Culture Focus. Curious what that is? well I made a nice little link for you:) Digital Culture @ Asu
  • The basic description of the class appealed to my nerdy side and it was also a substitution for a Digital Culture class.
  • One unique thing about me is that I am a total gadget freak, I know about all new gizmos and gadgets and useless information like that. I sell Cell Phones and love every bit of it.